hát legyen!!!


Ma lesz az első elődöntő…. remélem elég nekik 2 félidő, mert aludnom is kéne, mielőtt hajnali 3kor csörög a vekker….

A mai meccs:



Good Charlotte – The Young and the Hopeless


Hard days made me
Hard nights shaped me
I don't know they somehow saved me
And I know I'm making something out of this life they call nothing
I take what I want
take what I need
they say it's wrong, but it's right for me
I won't look down
Won't say I'm sorry
I know that only God can judge me

And if I make it through today
Will tomorrow be the same
Am I just running in place
And if I stumble and I fall
Should I get up and carry on
Will it all just be the same
Cause I'm young and I'm hopeless
I'm lost and I know this
I'm going nowhere fast that's what they say

I'm troublesome I've fallen
I'm angry at my father
it's me against this world and I don't care
I don't care

And no one in this industry
understands the life I lead
when I sing about my past
it's not a gimmick, not an act
These critics, and these trust fund kids
try to tell me what punk is
but when I see them on the street they got nothing to say

And if I make it through today
Will tomorrow be the same
Am I just running in place
And if I stumble and I fall
Should I get up and carry on
Will it all just be the same
Cause I'm young and I'm hopeless
I'm lost and I know this
I'm going nowhere fast that's what they say
I'm troublesome I've fallen
I'm angry at my father
it's me against this world and I don't care
I don't care
I don't care...
and now I don't care

I'm young and I'm hopeless
I'm lost and I know this
I'm going nowhere fast that's what they say
that I'm troublesome I've fallen
I'm angry at my father
it's me against this world and I don't care
I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.


Good Charlotte - Anthem


It's a new day, but it all feels old
It's a good life, that's what I'm told
But everything, it all just feels the same

And my high school, it felt more to me
Like a jail cell, a penitentiary
My time spent there only made me see

That I don't ever wanna be like you
I don't wanna do the things you do
I'm never gonna hear the words you say
'Cause I don't ever wanna, I don't ever wanna be

You...don't wanna be just like you
What I'm sayin' is this is the anthem
throw all your hands up, you, don't wanna be you

"Go to college, a university, get a real job,"
That's what they said to me
But I could never live the way they want
I'm gonna get by and just do my time, out of step while they all get in line
I'm just a minor threat so pay no mind

Do you really wanna be like them, do you really wanna be another trend?
Do you wanna be part of their crowd?
'Cause I don't ever wanna, no I don't ever wanna be

You...don't wanna be just like you
What I'm sayin' is this is the anthem
throw all your hands up, you, don't wanna be you

Shake it once, that's fine
Shake it twice, that's okay
Shake it three times, you're playing with yourself again

You...don't wanna be just like you
What I'm sayin' is this is the anthem
throw all your hands up,
Y'all got to feel me, sing if you're with me,
you, don't wanna be just like you (just like you)
This is the anthem throw all your hands up,
y'all got to feel me, sing if you're with me
Another loser anthem (Whoa-oh)
Another loser anthem (Whoa-oh)
Another loser anthem (Whoa-oh)
Another loser anthem (Whoa-oh)


Hát az agyam elszáll…..

Megkaptam ma az internet és tévé csekket…. 96 forinttal több, mint szokott…. megnéztem miért…. „Papír alapú számla díj”…. azt a * * * * ……. nem telik papírra sem????..... és mi kerül 96 forintba??? Az első papírok selyemdarabok összepréselésével készültek, remélem az én számláimat is ilyenen küldik, különben morcos leszek…. De legalább bambusz alapú legyen!!!


Nnnna…. megérkeztek az ősök, már otthon is vannak Győrben…. kaptam szép képeslapokat, amiket gyűjtök (legutóbb Thaiföldről és Kubából hozott egy kollégám), ééééés……kaptam egy „Roma” pulcsit, aminek nagyon örülök, csak ha felveszem, megvernek, mert „Milan”-os vagyok….. de ki foglalkozik vele…. tetszik és kész…. ettől még nem leszek Roma szurkoló…. Hoztak ám még valamit, de azt csak a hétvégén kapom meg, ha én is hazamegyek Győrbe…. mert most muszáj volt Sopronban maradni, holnap hajnali 4re megyek dolgozni….

Nem mellesleg így lóg a nyelvem a hőségtől…..



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